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TWR Women of Hope
Featured Projects
All around the world, women in countless countries are suffering in ways that create unique hardships for them.
Featured, Hope Challenge, Global, RFTW, TWR Women of Hope
The Japanese have been called the second-largest unreached people group in the world.
Hope Challenge, TWR Women of Hope
A trafficked or sexually exploited woman is often hidden in plain sight. A different story can become her reality, but who will...
Europe - Northwest, Global, Hope Challenge, TWR Women of Hope
Spanish-speaking women in the Americas face many physical, emotional and spiritual problems. Divorce, illness, abortion and...
TWR Women of Hope
TWR's Women of Hope ministry is reaching out to women in the southeastern Europe region in the countries of Croatia, Bulgaria,...
TWR Women of Hope
Most girls in the North Caucasus are raised to be modest, obedient and hard-working but end up with severe guilt from fear of...
Hope Challenge, TWR Women of Hope
TWR Women of Hope produces a weekly, 30-minute radio broadcast for suffering women in Vietnam. The Women of Hope program...
TWR Women of Hope
"Thank you very much for the Woman of Hope program. I just listened to it, and it helped me so much. I wanted to kill my...
TWR Women of Hope
With 99% of the country identifying as Muslim, and about 91% of people groups still unreached*, Somalia is a nation filled with...
Africa, Reach the Last, Unreached, TWR Women of Hope
Mongolia is a large, landlocked country bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south. While its capital, Ulaanbaatar,...
Hope Challenge, TWR Women of Hope
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