Susie Pek

Susie Pek’s great passions are prayer, soothing the emotional pain experienced by women, and promoting hope and healing in their lives. That's what attracted her to TWR Women of Hope, with which she has served for 14 years. She started as an assistant and producer in Brazil, served as a national coordinator for the ministry and then became regional coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean.
As a producer and presenter of the ministry’s flagship radio program, Women of Hope, a columnist of a devotional program and a blog writer, Pek has become a recognized voice in her country. She is often invited to speak at conferences and events across the vast country of Brazil. In 2022, RTM Brazil (RTM is the Portuguese equivalent of TWR) published her devotional book, Hope Encounters.
Her love for Jesus and desire to make him known also led her to study theology, to go through mission training and to enter the ministry more than 20 years ago. Furthermore, Pek is a teacher and translator/interpreter.
She’s been married for 24 years to Douglas Pek, who is the minister of administration at Calvary International Church, an associate of RTM Brazil, the presenter of the program Champions Arise in Portuguese and a volunteer designer for Women of Hope in Brazil. They are both from São Paulo, Brazil, where they live.
Pek was appointed global ministry director of TWR Women of Hope in early 2023, her new service beginning Feb. 13.