December 2, 2021 Global Prayer Gathering Registration
Prayer makes a difference! Come join us on Zoom the first Thursday of every month for our Women of Hope Global Prayer Gathering.
Our next prayer gathering is December 2 when we will be praising God!
How has God revealed himself in your life in 2021? For what can you give him praise? We can praise God even when our lives are filled with very difficult circumstances. Come hear the testimony of Gracia Burnham, author of In the Presence of My Enemies, who came to understand the faithfulness of God in a deeper way through her year-long captivity by militant extremists. She has an encouraging message of how to trust in and praise God in the darkest times of your life.
We are now offering the prayer gatherings at 9:00 am and 12:00 pm EST, and hope that one of these times will fit your schedule so that you can join us.
Simply register below for the Global Prayer Gathering on Thursday, December 2 —your Zoom link will immediately be emailed to you.
Please feel free to join and stay as long as your schedule will allow.
This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 12/03/2021.