Joud* is a Middle Eastern woman who invests her life into bringing the hope of Jesus to Arabic women. She is the producer, host, and regional coordinator for the Arabic ministry of TWR Women of Hope. Her voice counsels, encourages, and disciples women who take great risk to believe in Jesus.

Since the prayer calendar is focused on the CAMENA (Central Asia, Middle East, and North Africa) region this July, we took some time to ask Joud who she is and what God is doing in the hearts and lives of Arabic listeners. This is only the first half of her interview, so be sure to read the second part too.

What makes TWR Women of Hope special to you?

"The fact that Women of Hope is a radio program dedicated for women is very special. In the Middle East, Arab women are marginalized, have no voice, and are not given their basic rights. Having a radio program that speaks to the heart and mind of Arab women and highlights their emotional, spiritual, physical, and social needs, makes Women of Hope special and important to our listeners. Arab women feel that they are not forgotten, that there is a voice who speaks up for them and who really cares for their various needs, and that there are women whom they can still trust with their issues and challenges.

In addition, the prayer calendar has unified all of TWR Women of Hope intercessors around the world with one prayer request a day, and it has opened our eyes to the challenges and problems that other women around the world face. This prayer calendar breaks all racial and ethnic barriers, all prejudices, and has unified born again believers around the world to pray for one another! This is amazing!"

How has God grown you since taking on this responsibility?

"As a producer and host, I have learned so many things throughout these past seven years while producing Women of Hope. This journey has been like a school for my life, where God has opened my eyes to the needs of Arab women, to their broken hearts, to their hurting souls, to the beautiful women they are behind their veils, to the fact that they are longing to be seen and loved by someone.

God has used Women of Hope to open my eyes, to remove the veil that was on my heart, to shape me and make me understand how much we are privileged as Christians who are free in Christ. This experience has taught me how it should be our greatest mission and calling to show Jesus Christ to the other women who are in dire need to hear a message of hope and freedom."

How has Jesus brought you hope in your own life?

"Ever since I accepted Jesus Christ in my life at an early age, I decided to follow Him and live for Him. Hope became my portion - the living and alive Hope!

Jesus gives me hope for the future that when I die I will be with Him. Therefore, death, which scares human beings the most, is not scary anymore for the believer because in the worst scenario I will be in Heaven with my Savior!

Jesus gives me hope for the present - that I am not alone. He is with me until the end of days. I am not fighting the good fight by myself. The Holy Spirit will intercede on my behalf. I am loved and valued, and I have a purpose to live for!

Jesus gives me hope even over the past - that my failures, shortcomings, and even sins are not greater than God’s power to forgive and transform. The old things are gone and there is a new life ahead of me!"

How can our readers be praying for you and the ministry?

  • Pray for guidance in producing Women of Hope program that the Lord may give me the wisdom and right perspective towards the pressing needs and challenges that Arab women face.
  • Pray for the safety of all who serve the Lord in the Middle East, whose lives are at stake.
  • Pray for the Arab woman, that the Lord may open her eyes and heart to search for the truth, and to find her value and worth in Christ.
  • Pray and give thanks for TWR broadcasts, which has been on air for more than 50 years now despite being in one of the most difficult and persecuted regions in the world!
  • Pray for the persecuted Christians and converts in the Middle East that they would continue fighting the good fight and would count it as joy to suffer for Christ.
  • Pray that God would continue using radio and media as ideal mission fields, filled with millions of unsaved and accessible people.

Read Part 2

*Joud is a pseudonym for the real producer's name. Image is credited to Ebi Zandi on Unsplash.