Praying for Women in Southeast Asia
Beauty is found in Southeast Asia’s rich natural resources and diverse people groups. Unfortunately, many areas do not have proper health care, clean water, or education opportunities for girls, which continues the cycle of poverty and the abuse of females. Efforts are being made to raise the awareness of the value of women. However, cultural practices like child marriages and financially-profitable human trafficking make it very difficult to stop these horrible abuses. Women and girls often believe they don’t deserve respect and therefore make decisions that lead to destroyed lives.
Proper nutrition, safety practices, or healthy medical treatments are not common knowledge in remote areas. Often women do not have the needed information to care for themselves and their children. Information about the cause of pregnancy, the development of the baby, symptoms of diabetes or treatment for cancer are often not available.
Child marriage is still very common in the rural areas of Southeast Asia where there are few job opportunities and girls and education are not valued. Child marriage results in early and often dangerous pregnancy, multiple children, and a cycle of poverty.
Human trafficking destroys lives is Southeast Asia. Brothels are filled with girls who were sold by their mothers to pay off debts, teenagers who accepted job offers to escape the village, young women who were sold by boyfriends, and others who were kidnapped. Some of these victims are even taken to other countries like China or Cambodia.
TWR Women of Hope programs, prayer groups, skills trainings, and health seminars share valuable information to women who have few resources for learning and improving their lives. They are taught and shown God’s love and given hope. Women and girls in Southeast Asia are learning that they deserve to be respected, valued, and cherished.
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