Praying for Women Affected by Domestic Violence
My God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.
He is my refuge, my savior, the one who saves me from violence. (2 Samuel 22:3)
Home is supposed to be a place of safety. But in every culture and religion, violence in the home has left countless girls and women fearfully crying out for protection.
Unfortunately, the cries seeking help are all too common, and the torment affects women and girls at every stage of life. One in three women worldwide have experienced physical and/or sexual violence, mostly by an intimate partner.
Some parents sell their young daughters as brides or prostitutes, or they force them to undergo female circumcision. Daughters and wives have been scarred with acid and boiling water for “dishonoring” their families. Many victims are financially dependent on their abusers and have no safe places to go. These girls and women need help but often feel ashamed and lack support from their families or communities.
Health-care-provider initiatives and the World Health Organization’s Global Plan of Action are very important in addressing this global problem. But a holistic approach to healing the entire girl and woman must include God.
Fulfilling their mission of bringing hope in Jesus to women around the world and across generations, Women of Hope has many episodes dedicated to the subject of domestic violence and abuse and how to get help. The hosts of the radio program share that God hears your cries and can bring hope into even the most difficult situations. That God hates verbal, physical and sexual abuse. That he can wash you clean from the effects of abuse and find life on the other side of the trauma.
Our Father is the one who brings inner healing to our souls, who assures us of our true value as his beloved daughters. Our Father wants us to be in a place of safety and for us to find him as our place of safety.
“TWR Women of Hope: Bringing hope in Jesus to women around the world and across generations”