Praise the Lord for what he has done through EHCT and the TWR team in Thailand during February. Thank God for a safe journey during the Ubonratchatni evangelistic trip. They presented “Christian Faith and Beliefs” lecture to 200 Buddhist priests and 200 Catholic nuns and gave out 400 Bibles. They met 200 prisoners (men and women) and we also visited and pray for patients in hospitals and preached in the local churches. 114 people accepted Christ in February. Pray for Project Hannah team and the follow up ministry to women in Thailand and Laos. The team sent 55 letters to listeners who called or sent letters. They distributed 5,000 Project Hannah Thai March 2015 Prayer calendars to Thai and Laos women. They distributed 64 CDs of programs to listeners and sent 55 CDs of songs to listeners. They sent 114 sets of encouragement booklets. Pray for the TWR staff members as they write scripts, record and produce four kinds of programming and the training of volunteers to write scripts and produce programs. Pray for the Project Hannah team members as they record the program, conduct seminars, and do follow up. Pray that each staff member/volunteer will have a devoted heart to Jesus and His ministry. Pray for listeners who are sick to be healed and be strong and healthy again. Pray for all listeners to know more about God and accept Jesus Christ into their lives. May God continue to bless our listeners and their families. Pray for the team to rejoice in the Lord and be the blessing to others. "O Lord, please hear my prayer! Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honoring you." (Nehemiah 1:11) TWR-THAILAND

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