These listener letters are from southeast Asia. In Indonesia, a listener wrote in to share how the Women of Hope program taught her how to be a better parent, and in Thailand, our on the ground ministry shared a story of a listener who counted on the Thai Women of Hope programs for spiritual nourisment. Please pray for the ministry teams in Southeast Asia today, as they continue to strengthen the faith of listeners.  If you would like to financially support the Women of Hope program in Thai, visit this page.

Indonesia, a letter.

All this time I have thought that giving pocket money to children was wrong and that I have been teaching wrongly to my children. Indonesian Women of Hope program teaches me that giving pocket money to children is one way to teach children how to manage their money and to learn to be responsible when they use their money.

Thailand, a personal visit.

I am new believer. In my village, there is no church. If I want to go to church, I must travel 80 kilometers. That’s very far to go from my village. Difficulties like this make me lazy. Last year, my pastor went to a meeting at Chiangmai. He brought back CDs with Women of Hope programs for me. Since then, I have listened often. Your programs help me to understand the Bible. I was encouraged to go to church to worship God. I pray and worship God every day at my house and go to the church once a month. Thank God, He never leaves me and gave me the very good programs to encouragement and strength me.