The LORD lives! Praise to my Rock! May the God of my salvation be exalted!                                                                                                                                     Psalm 18:46                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Have you ever poured time, money and energy into pursuing a goal only to accomplish nothing in the end? You probably felt helpless and discouraged.

That’s how Sahana and her husband, Abiral, felt after years of seeking healing for him through the doctors and witch doctors in their Hindu culture. “We were so tired,” exclaimed Sahana. “Our life was hopeless.”

Then one day as they sat together listening to a radio program, a beautiful melody caught their attention. When the song finished, the voice on the radio began talking about Jesus.

“We had never heard the name of Jesus,” Sahana said, “and they were saying that Jesus can heal.”

Captivated, Sahana and Abiral listened intently to a story about Jesus healing a man of his sickness.

“I was so surprised and excited,” said Sahana.

She turned up the radio and told her husband to listen carefully. Day after day they listened to the radio, and finally one day that same Christian program came on again. The person on the radio explained that you could be healed in Jesus’ name.

Sahana’s and Abiral’s hearts were now full of hope and they searched intently to find a church where they could learn more about Jesus. Soon they had not only located a church but also had begun attending regularly and then met with the pastor for prayer. Their hope turned to gratefulness as God answered their prayers and Abiral was healed completely from his sickness!

“Because of the Women of Hope radio program, we came to know Jesus is our healer and hope. We have found life in Jesus. We are grateful to our God, Jesus and TWR Nepal,” Sahana acknowledged.