"How Should I Live to Enjoy His Love?"

For believers in some parts of China, finding discipleship materials can be challenging. The Women of Hope program is broadcast regularly in Mandarin to provide resources and biblical teaching for women. Sometimes, we hear back from listeners who...

Strengthening a Newfound Faith

Mai* in China was an atheist who didn’t believe in anything. She wanted nothing to do with God. Her parents were believers though who continued to share the Gospel with her. When she fell sick with various serious illnesses, God did a healing work...

We Always Gather Beside the Radio

TWR Women of Hope has been active in Southeast Asia for a number of years to speak hope to women who face cultural barriers that diminish their opportunities and hope. Lack of health care, clean water and education remain a problem throughout the...

How much would it cost to accept Jesus?

South Asia is a rich and beautifully diverse region of the world with roots deeply planted into their culture and ancient civilization. However, it is one of the most dangerous places for females where they face issues of domestic violence, child...

"I will listen as long as I will be able to"

Many people think of the news headlines when they think of the Eastern European country of Ukraine. However, behind the news are real people, and TWR Women of Hope is helping to introduce women to Jesus in this country. These are three messages from...

Spiritually Upholding a Family

Russia is not an easy country in which to share the love of Jesus. However, we are thankful that the Women of Hope program has been aired in Russian since 2010. Here are a few brief messages that we have received from listeners in Russia. Their...

"I am a constant listener..."

Moldova is an Eastern European country nestled between Ukraine and Romania. With a population of approximately 3.5 million people, Moldova is one of the poorer countries in Europe with most of its industry relying on agriculture. TWR Women of Hope...

God was Working in Their Hearts

God pulls each of us to His heart in different, often miraculous, ways. ...

The heart of TWR

Bafo, an intern journalist with TWR Africa's regional office in South Africa recently shared what TWR Women of Hope meant to him and to the broader TWR ministry. ...

"I would pray secretly"

From Angola, ...

"God spoke to me through the radio waves"

In some countries, TWR Women of Hope teams personally visit listeners to build relationships and minister. In Albania, the team is challenged to address issues like domestic violence, which happens frequently in homes because in this culture it is...

"We continue to pray for a miracle"

Few people who are married will tell you that it is an easy path. However, for marriages marred with abuse, it can be hard to reconcile and rebuild trust. Thankfully, we serve a God who has the ability to transform our hearts, and sometimes that...